Contact Person for:
Intellectual PropertyContractsProduct Liability
Dr. York-Gero von Amsberg | Attorney-at-Law | Phone+ 49 30 81 82 00 30 + 49 30 25 40 99 50 | |
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Contact Person for:
Setting up & Acquisition of CompaniesLitigation & ArbitrationDistribution AgreementsCustoms and Import Regulations
Niklas Graf von Bernstorff, LL.M. (Sydney) | Attorney-at-Law | Phone+ 49 30 81 82 00 30 + 49 30 25 40 99 50 | |
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Contact Person for:
Labour LawImmigration LawInformation on Business PartnersTax Law
Herr von Oldenburg | Attorney-at-Law | Phone+ 49 30 81 82 00 30Â + 49 30 25 40 99 50 | | |
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